A) Peer-reviewed scientific articles
Alison R. Holt, Jasmin A Godbold, Piran C. L. White, Anne-Michelle Slater, Eduardo Pereira, Martin Solan,“Mismatches between legislative frameworks and benefits restrict the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach in coastal environments” (2011) Marine Ecology Press Series 434, Pages 213-228,
Eduardo G. Pereira, “Rights and Obligations under Oil and Gas Joint Operating Agreements – The Non-Operator’s Perspective: a comparative and evaluative study” (2011) Vol 9 OGEL Issue 6, Pages 1-51,
Eduardo G. Pereira,“Enforceability of Joint Operating Agreements: A Perspective under Brazilian Legislation” (2012) The Journal of World Energy Law & Business, Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 51-59,
Eduardo G. Pereira, “Protection Against Default in Long Term Petroleum Joint Ventures,” (2012) Oxford Institute for Energy Studies WPM 47, Pages 1-58,
Pyhäranta, Meri-Katriina,“National Oil and Gas Companies Operating in Upstream Projects and Participating in Joint Operating Agreements” (2013) Vol 11 OGEL Issue 4, Pages 1-13,
Eduardo G. Pereira, “Governmental Participation in Upstream Projects: The Brazilian Pre-Salt Case,” UEF Energy Law Review Vol 1, Issue 1, Pages 80-86,
Eduardo Guedes Pereira, Leonie Reins, Leslie Zhang (张伟华), Hirdan Costa and James C. Nace Jr,“Regulatory and Contractual Challenges for Unconventional Resources: an International Perspective,” (2016) UEF Energy Law Review Vol, Issue 1, Pages 1-38,
Tonje P.Gormley, Anna Ovcharova and Eduardo G.Pereira, "To What Extent Should a Host Government Interfere in the Drafting and Conclusion of a Joint Operating Agreement?" (2016) UEF Energy Law Review, Vol 1, Issue 1, Page 39-49,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Fernando Gregio Lüdke, Lívia Amorim, “The Brazilian pre-salt case: governmental interference and challenges for potential joint ventures” (2017) Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, Vol 35:4, 451-461,
Eduardo G. Pereira and Keith Hall“Joint Operating Agreement: Operatorship role, options and concerns” (2017) MaIrus 486, Page 9-66,
Christopher Matthews and Eduardo G. Pereira,“Joint Operating Agreement: understanding different interests and concerns in the wake of Reeder v. Wood County Energy” Energy’ (2017) MaIrus 486, Page 73-96,
Kim Talus and Eduardo G. Pereira,"Introduction to Upstream Petroleum Law and Regulation" (2018) Vol 16 OGEL, Issue 3, Pages 1-8,
Eduardo G. Pereira and Madeleine J Lewis,“Condition Precedents in Farm-out Agreements: An Overview” (2019) Journal of International Law Review, Issue 2&3, Pages 3-19. (21 pages, published by Qatar University Press),
Marianthi Pappa and Eduardo G. Pereira,“International Energy Investments and Unrecognized States: Opportunities and Risks for Private Actors” (2019) Colorado Natural Resources, Energy Law and Environmental Law Review Vol 30, Issue 1, Pages 69-113,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Christopher Matthews and Heike Trischmann,“Local Content Policies in the Petroleum Industries: Lessons Learned” (2019) Oil and Gas, Natural Resources and Energy Journal Vol 4, Number 5, Pages 632-674,
Eduardo Pereira and Marianthi Pappa,“The Effects of Default, Transfer, and Withdrawal Provision on JOA Exits: Should I Stay or Should I go?" (2019) International Energy Law Review, Issue 2, Pages 39-47,
Eduardo G. Pereira, “Enforceability of Default Provisions under Joint Operating Agreements” (2019) Houston Journal of International Law, Vol 41, Issue 2, Pages 285- 341,
Cătălin Gabriel Stănescu, Eduardo G. Pereira, and Aaron Koenck, “Petroleum Concessions, Licenses and Leases: “Same Same but Different”? (2019) Journal of Energy Law Resources, Vol 8, Issue 1, Pages 96-125,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Cătălin-Gabriel Stănescu, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz, Felipe Rodrigues Caldas Feres Waniss Almashri Otman, “Host Granting Instruments Models: Why do they matter and for whom?” (2020) Oil and Gas, Natural Resources and Energy Journal, Vol 6, Issue 1, Pages 26-95,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Tolulope O. Taiwo, Ngozi Chinwa Ole, “Addressing Residual Liability and Insolvency in Disused Oil and Gas Infrastructure Left in Place: The Cases of Brazil, Nigeria, and Trinidad and Tobago” (2020) The Journal of Sustainable Development and Policy, Vol 11, Issue 2, Pages 326-361,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Eddy Wifa, Jonathon W. Moses, “Designing Regulatory Governance Models for Managing Hydrocarbon Resources: Lessons Learned from Norway and the United Kingdom ” (2020) The Journal of Sustainable Development and Policy, Vol 11, Issue 2, Pages 251-299,
Eduardo Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Thomas Stephens, Piti Eiamchamroonlarp, Alicia Elias-Roberts and Alberto Lopes, “Stabilization Provisions: Do they Offer the Desired Protection? (Part 1)” (2021) Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly 69, 693-722 (2021),
Eduardo Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Thomas Stephens, Piti Eiamchamroonlarp, Alicia Elias-Roberts and Alberto Lopes, “Stabilization Provisions: Do the Provide the Desired Protection? (Part 2)” (2021) Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly Vol 70, Pages 179-235,
Eduardo G. Pereira, A.E. Koenck; C. Nwapi; I. Lacerda de Araujo A Koenck,"Carrot or Stick? Enforcing Compliance with Local Content Requirements in the International Oil and Gas Industry"(2021) OGEL Pages 1-27,
Anna Ovcharova, Eduardo Pereira, “Russian Arctic Region: would the leading role of Russian NOCs be sufficient for its sustainable development?" (2021) Oil & Gas Journal,
Alexandre Gallo, Eduardo G. Pereira, Alberto Fossa, Thomas Muinzer, Hannah Hylton-Edwards, Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, Clara Dybwad, Cylon Liaw, "Towards the International Standardization of Carbon Dioxide Capture, Transportation, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Technologies: Current Challenges and Future Directions.” (2021) The Journal of Sustainable Development and Policy, Vol 12, Issue 2, Pages 157-189,
Eduardo G. Pereira & Opeyemi Omotuyi (2022), Petroleum Resource Management in Africa: Lessons From Ten Years of Oil and Gas Production in Ghana, Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, DOI: 10.1080/02646811.2022.2052462,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Alicia Elias-Roberts, Thomas Muinzer, Aurelia Reid, “Reconciling Caribbean Local Content Laws and Policies with CARICOM trade rules” Journal of World Energy Law & Business, 2022, 00, Pages 1-21,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Berryl Claire and Alicia Elias-Roberts, “A review of the Guyana Landmark Law on Local Content” Journal of World Energy Law & Business), 2023; jwac045, https://doi.org/10.1093/jwelb/jwac045
Eduardo G. Pereira, Alberto Fossa, Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri, Opeyemi Omotuyi, Hannah Hylton-Edwards, Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, Alexandre Gallo, Cylon Liaw, and Bruna Toguedani (2023). "Advancing Sustainability through Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Technologies: The Hydrogel Case Study." The Journal of Sustainable Development, Law and Policy. Vol. 14:1, 218-250,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Opeyemi Omotuyi, Aaron Koenck, Pedi Obadi, Meagan Gopaulsingh and Shaniah Mohammed (2023). "Decommissioning Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms: Is the Rigs-to-Reefs Program a more Sustainable Alternative?" The Journal of Sustainable Development, Law and Policy. Vol. 14:1. 1-26,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Olga S. Kirillova, Donya Moin, Seyedeh Fatemeh Ojagh, William Clavijo, João Victor M. Cardoso, Fernanda Delgado, Shiva G. Balliram, Eden Charles, Claudia Valdés, Timothy Afonso “International Sanctions on Petroleum Producing Countries vis-à-vis Private Investments: A Comparison between Iran, Russia, and Venezuela” (OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X) June 2023,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Stephens, Reg Fowler, Alicia Elias-Roberts, André Lemos, Wan Zulhafiz Wan Zahari, Reyhan Kamil, Nurjan Kakimov, “Evolving trends and challenges between Production Sharing Agreements and Cost Recovery Systems”, 8 Oil & Gas, Nat. Resources & Energy J. 603 (2023),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Timothy Affonso, Patrick Baker, “Petroleum Exploration in the Gulf of Mexico: Are Coastal Areas Safe from a Transboundary Oil Spill?” Oil, Gas, Energy Quarterly, 2024,
Eduardo G. Pereira, Aaron Koenck, William A. Clavijo Vitto, Fernanda Delgado, André Lemos, João Victor Correia Lopes, “Brazil’s Local Content Requirements: Evolution, Lessons Learned & International Trade Limitations” Oil & Gas, Natural Resources and Energy Journal, Vol. 9, N. 3, 2024,
M.C. Abraham-Dukuma, N. Chinwa Ole, E.G. Pereira, "Avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons in a Low-Carbon Future: The Role of Energy Law" (OGEL Vol 22 Issue 2, ISNN 1875-418X), June 2024,
E.G. Pereira and R. Fowler, "Book Review: Litigating Joint Ventures - Learnings from 270 Court Decisions and Arbitration Awards" (OGEL Vol 22 Issue 2, ISNN 1875-418X), June 2024,
E.G. Pereira; A. Fossa; T.L. Muinzer; O.J. Olujobi (2024, forthcoming) "A Road to Energy Transition with Hydrogen and Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) Products Labelling", OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X, August 2024,
Eduardo G. Pereira, "The implications and challenges of the IMO 2020 regulation: Exploring options for compliance” Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 2025, https://doi.org/10.1111/reel.12593
B) Non-refereed scientific articles
Eduardo G. Pereira, Elison Karuhanga, “Brazil and Uganda: Government Intervention and Oil Development Prospects” Oxford Energy Forum (2012).
Eduardo G. Pereira, Hirdan Catarina, Edmilson Moutinho, João Carbone Neto, Anabal Santos Júnior, José Fernando de Freitas), “Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de uma indústria nao-convencional no Brasil” in Fernanda Delgado, Edimilson dos Santos, “O desenvolvimento da exploração de recursos não-convencionais no Brasil: Novas óticas de desenvolvimento regional” FGV Energia (2021),
Breno Andrade, Daniela Schneieder, Eduardo G. Pereira, Fernanda Delgado, Isabella de Andrade, Juliana Simões, Victor Lemos),“Perspectivas socioeconomicas para o Brasil” in Fernanda Delgado, Edimilson dos Santos, “O desenvolvimento da exploração de recursos não-convencionais no Brasil: Novas óticas de desenvolvimento regional” FGV Energia (2021)
Eduardo G. Pereira, “Questões legais dos riscos ambientais” in Fernanda Delgado, Edimilson dos Santos, “O desenvolvimento da exploração de recursos não-convencionais no Brasil: Novas óticas de desenvolvimento regional” FGV Energia (2021),
Mariana Fernandes Miranda, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros Costa, Eduardo G. Pereira, “Risk Management: Brazilian Environmental Assessments and Unconventional Natural Gas Developments” ASIDE (2021),
Bruna Parizotto, Catarina Kreitlon, Eduardo G. Pereira, Fernanda Delgado, Gabriela Roman Michalowski, Kelly Angelim, Marlon Barrêto, Natalia Assad, Paula Andrade, Raphael Moura),“Aspectos socioeconômicos por trás das atividades de descomissionamento: lições aprendidas do outro lado do atlantico” FGV Energia (2022),
Bruna Parizotto, Catarina Kreitlon, Eduardo G. Pereira, Fernanda Delgado, Gabriela Roman Michalowski, Kelly Angelim, Marlon Barrêto, Natalia Assad, Paula Andrade, Raphael Moura),“Aspectos técnicos por trás das atividades de descomissionamento: Lições aprendidas do outro lado do Atlântico” FGV Energia (2022),
Eduardo G. Pereira, tzchak Kornfeld, Aaron Koenck, Justyne Renn, Hirdan K. Medeiros Costa, Thiago Luis Felipe Brito, Karen Louise Mascarenhas Matheus Rebelo Gomes Rodrigues, “Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources: Legal Challenges and Lessons Learned ASIDE” (due to publication in 2022),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Femi Omere Contributors: Aisha Abdallah, Salimatou Diallo, Aboubacar Fall, Sheila A. Nyayieka, Tabitha Joy Raore, Sonal Sejpal, Tolulope Olufisayo Taiwo, “Oil and Gas – Level 2” African Legal Support Facility/African Development Bank (2022),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Alberto Fossa, Eghosa Ekhator, Dickson Omukoro, Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, Seyed Tabelian, Alexandre Gallo, Clara Fossa, Cylon Liaw, Bruna Toguedani, “Fossil fuel and the global energy transition: regulation and standardisation as panacea for a more sustainable world energy order”, Brazilian Journal of Development, 8(5), 39838–39865 (2022),
Andrea Damico, Hirdan, Katarina de Medeiros Costa, Shiva Balliran, Eduardo Guedes Pereira, Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, “The Expansion of the Natural Gas market through the provisions of Law 14.182/21 that deals with the privatization of Eletrobras” Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 8 (2022),
Gustavo Castro Ribeiro, Alexandre De Barros Gallo, Alberto José Fossa, Eduardo G. Pereira, Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, "Improvement energy performance for GHG mitigation – A case of FPSO vessel platform in Oil & Gas offshore production," Contribuciones a Las Ciencias Sociales, Vol 17 No 2. (2024),
Ciro Galvão, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros Costa; Eduardo Pereira Guedes; Luiz Armando Camargo; Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos; Dorel Soares Ramos, "Natural Gas Power Plants in the System Security Role – The Situation and Solutions in Brazil" (2024), Energy and Power Engineering (2024),
Gustavo Castro Ribeiro, Alexandre De Barros Gallo, Alberto José Fossa, Eduardo G. Pereira, Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, "Standardization and benchmark initiatives for emission reduction in the petroleum industry", Petroleum Sciences, REM Int. Eng. J., 77(4) (2024).
C) Scientific books (monographs)
C.1) Authored
Eduardo G. Pereira, Joint Operating Agreements: Risk Control for the Non-Operator(Globe Law and Business 2013),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Joint Operating Agreements: Mitigating Operational and Contractual Risks in Exclusive Operations(Globe Law and Business 2013),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Anna Ovcharova, Joint Operating Agreements: A Comparison Between IOC and NOC Perspectives(Globe Law and Business 2015),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Carlos Eduardo Vieira da Silva, Eduardo Seixas, Accounting procedures in Joint Operating Agreements: An International Perspective (Globe Law and Business 2016),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Joint Operating Agreements: Risk Control for the Non-Operator (Globe Law and Business 2nd edn. 2018),
Erik Jarlsby, Eduardo G. Pereira, International Petroleum Fiscal Regimes(Pennwell 2019)
Reg Fowler, Peter Roberts, Eduardo G. Pereira, The AIPN JOA: Practical Guide (Globe Law and Business 2019)
Eduardo G. Pereira, Anna Ovcharova and Reg Fowler, Joint Operating Agreements: A Comparison Between IOC and NOC Perspectives (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2022),
C.2) Edited
Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Brazilian Upstream Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide to the Law and Regulation(Globe Law and Business 2012),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus (eds.), Upstream Law and Regulation: A Global Guide(Globe Law and Business 2013),
Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), The Encyclopaedia of Oil and Gas Law, Volume One: Upstream (Globe Law and Business 2014),
Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Brazilian Midstream and Downstream Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide to the Law and Regulation(Globe Law and Business 2014),
Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Joint Operating Agreements: Challenges and Concerns from Civil Law Jurisdictions (Kluwer International Law 2015),
Eduardo G. Pereira and K. Talus (eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Oil and Gas Law, Volume Two: Midstream and Downstream(Globe Law and Business 2015),
Eduardo G. Pereira and Fernando Fresco (eds.), Latin American Upstream Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide to the Law and Regulation (Globe Law and Business 2015),
Eduardo G. Pereira and K. Talus (eds.), African Upstream Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide to Law and Regulation (Globe Law and Business 2015),
Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Understanding Joint Operating Agreements (Intersentia 2016),
Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Brazilian Upstream Oil and Gas: A practical Guide to the Law and Regulation(Globe Law and Business 2nd edn. 2016),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus (eds.), Upstream Law and Regulation: A Global GuideVolume 1 – Africa and the Americas(Globe Law and Business 2ndedn. 2017),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus (eds.), Upstream Law and Regulation: A Global GuideVolume 2 – Europe, Middle East, Asia and Australia(Globe Law and Business 2ndedn. 2017),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Tonje Gormley (eds), Local Content for International Petroleum Industry (Pennwell, 2018),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Wan M. Z. Wan Zahari (eds), Joint Operating Agreement (JOA): Applicability and Enforceability of Default Provisions(RMMLF 2018),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Henrik Bjornebye (eds), Regulating Offshore Petroleum Resources: The British and Norwegian Models (Edward Elgar 2019).
Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Upstream Oil and Gas (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2019),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi (eds.), Practical Considerations to Negotiate an Enforceable Joint Operating Agreement Under Civil Law Jurisdictions (2nd edn Kluwer International Law 2020),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Alexandra Wawryk, Catherine Banet, Heike Trischmann, Keith Hall (eds.), Regulation of Decommissioning, Abandonment and Re-Use Initiatives in the Oil and Gas Industry: From Obligation to Opportunities (Kluwer International Law 2020).
Eduardo G. Pereira, Rochelle Spencer, Jonathon Moses (eds.), Sovereign Wealth Funds, Local Content Policies and CSR: Developments in the Extractive Sector (Springer 2021),
Damilola S. Olawuyi, Eduardo G. Pereira (eds.), Natural Gas and Global Energy Transitions: Law, Business, and Governance Dimensions (Palgrave 2022):
Eduardo G. Pereira, Tuuli Timonen, Elina Aleynikova (eds.), Governing Law and Dispute Resolution in the Petroleum Industry (Edward Elgar 2022),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus and Reg Fowler, Encyclopaedia of Oil and Gas Law: Midstream and Downstream (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2023),
Ngozi Chinwa Ole, Eduardo G. Pereira, Peter Kayode Oniemola, Luiz Gustavo Kaercher, Regulatory Support for Off-grid Renewable Electricity (Routledge 2023),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Rafael Baleroni, Reg Fowler and Nima Nasrollahi, Introduction in Eduardo G. Pereira, Rafael Baleroni, Reg Fowler and Nima Nasrol, Service Contracts in Oil and Gas Industry (Dialética, 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Muinzer, Patrick Baker, Energy Law and the Sustainable Development Goals: Host Government Instruments for Sustainability in Oil and Gas Operations (Routledge, 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Upstream Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Stephens, Rafael Baleroni, Unconventional Resources in the Oil and Gas Industry: Lessons learnt and implications for policy and legal frameworks (Dialética 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, International Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development in Disputed Zones: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, National Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge 2025),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Giovani Loss, Hirdan Costa, Johanna Coelho, Direito e Negócios de Petróleo e Gás (Dialética 2024),
C.3) Book chapters
- Eduardo G. Pereira, “Introduction”, in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Brazilian Upstream Oil and Gas: A practical Guide to the Law and Regulation (Globe Law and Business 2012),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, "Decommissioning” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Brazilian Upstream Oil and Gas: A practical Guide to the Law and Regulation (Globe Law and Business 2012),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, “Decommissioning in Brazil” in Mark Hammerson (ed.), Oil and Gas Decommissioning: Law, Policy and Comparative Practice (Globe Law and Business 2013),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus "Introduction", in Eduardo G. Pereira, Upstream Law and Regulation: A Global Guide(Globe Law and Business 2013),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus, "Conclusion", in Eduardo G. Pereira, Upstream Law and Regulation: A Global Guide(Globe Law and Business 2013),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, "Joint Operating Agreements” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas Law: Volume 1 (Globe Law and Business 2014),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas Law: Volume 1 (Globe Law and Business 2014),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Brazilian Midstream and Downstream Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide to the Law and Regulation (Globe Law and Business 2014),
- “The Brazilian Concession System for petroleum extraction in Brazil” in Tina Hunter (ed.), Regulation of the Upstream Petroleum Sector: A Comparative Study of Licensing and Concession System (Edward Elgar, 2015),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Joint Operating Agreements: Challenges and Concerns from Civil Law Jurisdictions (Kluwer International Law 2015),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus, The Encyclopaedia of Oil and Gas Law, Volume Two: Midstream and Downstream (Globe Law and Business 2015),
- Fernando Fresco, Eduardo G. Pereira, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira and Fernando Fresco, Latin America Upstream Oil and Gas: A practical Guide to the Law and Regulation (Globe Law and Business 2015),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira and Kim Talus, African Upstream Oil and Gas: A practical Guide to Law and Regulation (Globe Law and Business 2015),
- Eduardo G. Pereira chapter, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Understanding Joint Operating Agreements (Intersentia 2016),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, Yanal Abul Falat, “Key issues Relating to JOAs in Civil Law Countries” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.),Understanding Joint Operating Agreements (Intersentia 2016),
- Yanal Abul Falat, Eduardo G. Pereira,“JOA Model and Standards in the Oil and Gas Industry” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Understanding Joint Operating Agreements (Intersentia 2016),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, Ole Kirkvaag, “The Relationship between a JOA and Host Government Instrument” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Understanding Joint Operating Agreements (Intersentia 2016),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, Giulia Carloni, “Unitisation and Unit Operating Agreements” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Understanding Joint Operating Agreements (Intersentia 2016),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, “The Challenges of Implementing an Exclusive Operation” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Understanding Joint Operating Agreements (Intersentia 2016),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Brazilian Upstream Oil and Gas: A practical Guide to the Law and Regulation (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2016),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, ‘Decommissioning in Brazil” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Brazilian Upstream Oil and Gas: A practical Guide to the Law and Regulation(Globe Law and Business 2ndedn 2016),
- Joísa Campanher Dutra Saraiva, Igor de Souza Tostes, Luiz Eduardo Izu, Eduardo G. Pereira,“Unconventional gas regulations in Brazil” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Brazilian Upstream Oil and Gas: A practical Guide to the Law and Regulation (Globe Law and Business 2nd edn 2016),
- Livia Amorim, Eduardo G. Pereira, Guilherme Veloni, “Unitisation in Brazil” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Brazilian Upstream Oil and Gas: A practical Guide to the Law and Regulation(Globe Law and Business 2nd edn 2016),
- Luiz Izu, Giovani Loss, Fernando Gregio Ludke, Eduardo G. Pereira,“Brazil local content: brief regulatory considerations” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), Brazilian Upstream Oil and Gas: A practical Guide to the Law and Regulation(Globe Law and Business 2nd edn 2016),
- Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus, ‘Introduction’, in Eduardo G. Pereira, Upstream Law and Regulation: A Global Guide Volume 1 – Africa and the Americas(Globe Law and Business 2nd edn. 2017),
Eduardo Pereira, Tonje Gormley, ‘Introduction’ in Eduardo G. Pereira, Tonje Gormley (eds), Local Content for International Petroleum Industry (Pennwell, 2018),
Eduardo Pereira, Tonje Gormley, ‘Conclusion’ in Eduardo G. Pereira, Tonje Gormley (eds), Local Content for International Petroleum Industry (Pennwell, 2018),
Eduardo G. Pereira and Wan M. Z. Zahari, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Wan M. Z. Wan Zahari (eds), Joint Operating Agreement (JOA): Applicability and Enforceability of Default Provisions(RMMLF 2018),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Aina Picanyol and Waniss Otman, “Default and its Remedies in the Context of the JOA” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Wan M. Z. Wan Zahari (eds), Joint Operating Agreement (JOA): Applicability and Enforceability of Default Provisions(RMMLF 2018),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Giovani Loss, Stephanie Blatter and Tito da Rosa, “Default Provision in Joint Operating Agreements: A Civil Law Perspective” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Wan M. Z. Wan Zahari (eds), Joint Operating Agreement (JOA): Applicability and Enforceability of Default Provisions(RMMLF 2018),
Eduardo G- Pereira and David Sweeney, “Operator´s Default” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Wan M. Z. Wan Zahari (eds), Joint Operating Agreement (JOA): Applicability and Enforceability of Default Provisions(RMMLF 2018),
Eduardo G- Pereira and David Sweeney, “Insolvency” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Wan M. Z. Wan Zahari (eds), Joint Operating Agreement (JOA): Applicability and Enforceability of Default Provisions(RMMLF 2018),
Eduardo Pereira, Miriam G. and Hirdan Costa, “Challenges and Concerns Regarding National Oil Company Participation” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Wan M. Z. Wan Zahari (eds), Joint Operating Agreement (JOA): Applicability and Enforceability of Default Provisions(RMMLF 2018),
Eduardo G. Pereira and Felipe Alice, “Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Wan M. Z. Wan Zahari (eds), Joint Operating Agreement (JOA): Applicability and Enforceability of Default Provisions(RMMLF 2018),
Eduardo G. Pereira and Henrik Bjørnebye, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Henrik Bjornebye (eds), Regulating Offshore Petroleum Resources: The British and Norwegian Models (Edward Elgar 2019),
Eduardo G. Pereira and Henrik Bjørnebye, “Conclusion” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Henrik Bjornebye (eds), Regulating Offshore Petroleum Resources: The British and Norwegian Models (Edward Elgar 2019),
Olayemi Anyanechi, Eduardo G. Pereira, “Farmout Agreement & Sales and Purchase Agreement” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Upstream Oil and Gas Law (2nd edn Globe Law 2019),
Olayemi Anyanechi, Eduardo G.Pereira, “Procurement” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Upstream Oil and Gas (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2019),
Eduardo Pereira chapter, “Joint Operating Agreements” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Upstream Oil and Gas (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2019),
Eduardo Pereira chapter, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Upstream Oil and Gas (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2019),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, “The Relationship Between Host Government Contracts for Oil and Gas Activities and Public Participation” in Rachael Lorna Johnstone, Anne Merrild Hansen (eds), Artic Voices in Extractive Industries: Strategies for Community Engagement (Routledge 2019),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, “Conclusion” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi (eds.), Practical Considerations to Negotiate an Enforceable Joint Operating Agreement Under Civil Law Jurisdictions” (2nd edn Kluwer International Law 2020),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi (eds.), Practical Considerations to Negotiate an Enforceable Joint Operating Agreement Under Civil Law Jurisdictions (2nd edn Kluwer International Law 2020).
Gabriela Roque, Fernanda Delgado, Pedro Neves, Eduardo G. Pereira,“Brazilian chapter” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Alexandra Wawryk, Catherine Banet, Heike Trischmann, Keith Hall (eds.), Regulation of Decommissioning, Abandonment and Re-Use Initiatives in the Oil and Gas Industry: From Obligation to Opportunities (Kluwer International Law 2020),
Heike Trichsmann, Arnold Lule Sekiwano, Eduardo G. Pereira, “Decommissioning Provisions in Joint Operating Agreements and Unitisation and Unit Operating Agreements” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Alexandra Wawryk, Catherine Banet, Heike Trischmann, Keith Hall (eds.), Regulation of Decommissioning, Abandonment and Re-Use Initiatives in the Oil and Gas Industry: From Obligation to Opportunities (Kluwer International Law 2020),
Ngozi Chinwa Ole, Dickson E. Omukoro, Eduardo G. Pereira and Keith Hall, “Decommissioning Oil and Gas Installations: the Challenge of Residual Liability” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Alexandra Wawryk, Catherine Banet, Heike Trischmann, Keith Hall (eds.), Regulation of Decommissioning, Abandonment and Re-Use Initiatives in the Oil and Gas Industry: From Obligation to Opportunities (Kluwer International Law 2020),
Alexandra Wawryk, Catherine Banet, Eduardo G. Pereira, “Regional Seas Conventions and Decommissioning” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Alexandra Wawryk, Catherine Banet, Heike Trischmann, Keith Hall (eds.), Regulation of Decommissioning, Abandonment and Re-Use Initiatives in the Oil and Gas Industry: From Obligation to Opportunities (Kluwer International Law 2020),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Rafael Baleroni, Fernanda Delgado, José Vicente Ducan de Miranda, Pedro Neves Aaron Koenck, “Local Content and Sustainable Development in Brazil” in D Olawuyi (ed), Local Content, Sustainable Development and Treaty Implementation in Global Energy Markets (Cambridge University Press 2021),
Jonathon Moses, Rochelle Spencer, Eduardo G. Pereira, “Introduction” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Rochelle Spencer, Jonathon Moses (eds.), Sovereign Wealth Funds, Local Content Policies and CSR: Developments in the Extractive Sector (Springer 2021),
Rochelle Spencer, Eduardo G. Pereira, Fadzai Matambanadzo, “Public Wealth Management in Australia” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Rochelle Spencer, Jonathon Moses (eds.), Sovereign Wealth Funds, Local Content Policies and CSR: Developments in the Extractive Sector (Springer 2021),
Jonathon Moses, Eduardo G. Pereira, Rochelle Spencer, “Conclusion” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Rochelle Spencer, Jonathon Moses (eds.), Sovereign Wealth Funds, Local Content Policies and CSR: Developments in the Extractive Sector (Springer 2021),
Damilola S. Olawuyi, Eduardo G Pereira, “Introduction: Nature and Scope of the International Gas Market” in Damilola S. Olawuyi, Eduardo G. Pereira (eds.), Natural Gas and Global Energy Transitions: Law, Business, and Governance Dimensions (Palgrave 2022),
Thiago de Freitas Benevenuto, Eduardo G. Pereira, and Fernanda Delgado, “Legal Framework for Promoting Natural Gas in the Energy Transition: Lessons from Brazil’s New Gas Law” in Damilola S. Olawuyi, Eduardo G. Pereira (eds.), Natural Gas and Global Energy Transitions: Law, Business, and Governance Dimensions (Palgrave 2022),
Wellington Otto Bahnemann, Eduardo Pereira, and Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros Costachapter, “Natural Gas and Energy Transition for large international oil companies” in Damilola S. Olawuyi, Eduardo G. Pereira (eds.), Natural Gas and Global Energy Transitions: Law, Business, and Governance Dimensions (Palgrave 2022),
Gustavo Castro Ribeiro, Eduardo G Pereira, Alicia Elias-Roberts, Alberto José Fossa, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros Costa, Thaiz da Silva Vescovi, Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos, João Victor Correia Lopes, “Regulatory and technical opportunities for reducing flaring and venting operations in oil and gas fields in Brazil” in Damilola S. Olawuyi, Eduardo G. Pereira (eds.), Natural Gas and Global Energy Transitions: Law, Business, and Governance Dimensions (Palgrave 2022),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Hirdan Costa, Eze Emem Chioma, Indira Rampaul-Cheddie, Terrance Ali, Saelese Haynes, Aaron Koenck chapter, “Host Government Instruments and Natural Gas Provisions” in Damilola S. Olawuyi, Eduardo G. Pereira (eds.), Natural Gas and Global Energy Transitions: Law, Business, and Governance Dimensions (Palgrave 2022),
Eduardo G Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, “The future of natural gas: synthesis and summary for policy makers” in Damilola S. Olawuyi, Eduardo G. Pereira (eds.), Natural Gas and Global Energy Transitions: Law, Business, and Governance Dimensions (Palgrave 2022),
Elina Aleynikova, Tuuli Timonen, Eduardo G. Pereira, chapter, “The Oil and Gas Industry is Prone to Disputes” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Tuuli Timonen, Elina Aleynikova (eds.), Governing Law and Dispute Resolution in the Petroleum Industry (Edward Elgar 2022),
Elina Aleynikova, Tuuli Timonen Eduardo G. Pereira, “Governing Law of Oil and Gas Agreements and of Disputes Arising in the Oil and Gas Industry” in Eduardo G. Pereira, Tuuli Timonen, Elina Aleynikova (eds.), Governing Law and Dispute Resolution in the Petroleum Industry (Edward Elgar 2022),
Elina Aleynikova, Tuuli Timonen, Eduardo G. Pereira, “Dispute Resolution Planning in Oil and Gas Projects” in Eduardo Pereira, Tuuli Timonen, Elina Aleynikova (eds.), Governing Law and Dispute Resolution in the Petroleum Industry (Edward Elgar 2022),
Elina Aleynikova, Tuuli Timonen, Eduardo G. Pereira, “Future of Oil and Gas Disputes” in Eduardo Pereira, Tuuli Timonen, Elina Aleynikova (eds.), Governing Law and Dispute Resolution in the Petroleum Industry (Edward Elgar 2022),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus and Reg Fowler, Introduction in Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus and Reg Fowler, Encyclopaedia of Oil and Gas Law: Midstream and Downstream (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2023),
André Andriw, Gustavo Castro Ribeiro Ferreira Silva, Lucas Mota de Lima, Eduardo G Pereira, LNG Exports Projects in Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus and Reg Fowler, Encyclopaedia of Oil and Gas Law: Midstream and Downstream (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2023),
André Andriw, Gustavo Castro Ribeiro Ferreira Silva, Lucas Mota de Lima, Cosmos Nike Nwedu, Eduardo G Pereira, Storage Projects in Eduardo G. Pereira, Kim Talus and Reg Fowler, Encyclopaedia of Oil and Gas Law: Midstream and Downstream (2nd edn Globe Law and Business 2023),
Chitzi C. Ogbumgbada, Rasaki Stephen Dauda, Eduardo G Pereira, Sustainable Development and Off-Grid Renewable Electricity: Current Status and Challenges in Ngozi Chinwa Ole, Eduardo G. Pereira, Peter Kayode Oniemola, Luiz Gustavo Kaercher, Regulatory Support for Off-grid Renewable Electricity (Routledge 2023),
Clarissa Emanuela Leão Lima, Gustavo Kaercher, Eduardo G Pereira, Brazil in Ngozi Chinwa Ole, Eduardo G. Pereira, Peter Kayode Oniemola, Luiz Gustavo Kaercher, Regulatory Support for Off-grid Renewable Electricity (Routledge 2023),
Gustako Kaercher, Eduardo G. Pereira, Reflections and Conclusions in Ngozi Chinwa Ole, Eduardo G. Pereira, Peter Kayode Oniemola, Luiz Gustavo Kaercher, Regulatory Support for Off-grid Renewable Electricity (Routledge 2023),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Rafael Baleroni, Reg Fowler and Nima Nasrollahi, Part One in Eduardo G. Pereira, Rafael Baleroni, Reg Fowler and Nima Nasrol, the Service Contracts in Oil and Gas Industry (Dialética, 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Rafael Baleroni, Reg Fowler and Nima Nasrollahi, Part Two in Eduardo G. Pereira, Rafael Baleroni, Reg Fowler and Nima Nasrol, the Service Contracts in Oil and Gas Industry (Dialética, 2024),
Donya Moin, Kimia Danaei, Eduardo G. Pereira, Risk Service Contracts in Service Contracts in the Oil and Gas Industry (Dialética, 2024),
Patrick R Baker, Thomas L Muinzer, Eduardo G Pereira, Introduction in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Muinzer, Patrick Baker, Energy Law and the Sustainable Development Goals: Host Government Instruments for Sustainability in Oil and Gas Operations (Routledge, 2024),
Thomas L Muinzer, Eduardo G Pereira, Patrick R Baker, Opeyemi Y Omotuyi, Climate Change and a Just Energy Transition in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Muinzer, Patrick Baker, Energy Law and the Sustainable Development Goals: Host Government Instruments for Sustainability in Oil and Gas Operations (Routledge, 2024),
Shiva Balliram, Eduardo G Pereira, Aaron Koenck, Fostering SDGs via Partnership Risk Sharing in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Muinzer, Patrick Baker, Energy Law and the Sustainable Development Goals: Host Government Instruments for Sustainability in Oil and Gas Operations (Routledge, 2024),
Candy Smith, Eduardo G Pereira, Elena Indar Athwal, Achieving Sustainable Development Goals through the Utilization of Host Governance Instruments in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Muinzer, Patrick Baker, Energy Law and the Sustainable Development Goals: Host Government Instruments for Sustainability in Oil and Gas Operations (Routledge, 2024),
Ola Alokalaro, Mary Oke, Eduardo G Pereira, Juliana Costa, Magnus Abraham-Dukuma, Utilizing Local Content Requirements in the Extractive Industries to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Muinzer, Patrick Baker, Energy Law and the Sustainable Development Goals: Host Government Instruments for Sustainability in Oil and Gas Operations (Routledge, 2024),
Reg Fowler, Eduardo G Pereira, Timothy Affonso, John Jeremie, Stability in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Muinzer, Patrick Baker, Energy Law and the Sustainable Development Goals: Host Government Instruments for Sustainability in Oil and Gas Operations (Routledge, 2024),
Thomas L Muinzer, Eduardo G Pereira, Patrick R Baker, Conclusion in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Muinzer, Patrick Baker, Energy Law and the Sustainable Development Goals: Host Government Instruments for Sustainability in Oil and Gas Operations (Routledge, 2024),
Eduardo G Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Introduction in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, due for publication in 2024),
Olayemi Anyanechi, Eduardo G Pereira, Dominic Akabuiro, Public procurement and local content in the upstream oil and gas industry in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, due for publication in 2024),
Dominic Akabuiro, Eduardo G Pereira, West Africa natural gas development: an appraisal of legal frameworks and regional agreements in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, due for publication in 2024),
Elena I Athwal, Damilola S Olawuyi, Eduardo G Pereira, ESG considerations for midstream and downstream oil and gas in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, due for publication in 2024),
Okechukwu C Aholu, Nnennaya J Nwali, Eduardo G Pereira, Eddy L Wifa, Maximising economic recovery in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, due for publication in 2024)
Damilola S. Olawuyi, Eduardo G Pereira, Conclusion in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, due for publication in 2024),
Eduardo G Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Introduction in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Upstream Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, 2024),
Olayemi Anyanechi, Eduardo G Pereira, Dominic Akabuiro, Public procurement and local content in the upstream oil and gas industry in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Upstream Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, 2024),
Dominic Akabuiro, Eduardo G Pereira, West Africa natural gas development: an appraisal of legal frameworks and regional agreements in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Upstream Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, 2024),
Elena I Athwal, Damilola S Olawuyi, Eduardo G Pereira, ESG considerations for midstream and downstream oil and gas in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Upstream Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, 2024),
Okechukwu C Aholu, Nnennaya J Nwali, Eduardo G Pereira, Eddy L Wifa, Maximising economic recovery in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Upstream Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, 2024),
Damilola S. Olawuyi, Eduardo G Pereira, Conclusion in Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawuyi, Upstream Oil and Gas in Africa (2nd edn Globe Law and Business, 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Stephens, Rafael Baleroni, Introduction in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Stephens, Unconventional Resources in the Oil and Gas Industry: Lessons learnt and implications for policy and legal frameworks (Dialética, 2024)
Morena Pérez da Silva Mendes Ribeiro, Ana Carolina Marins de Carvalho, Gustavo Castro Ribeiro and Eduardo G Pereira, Who are the main stakeholders behind an unconventional project and their main expectations? in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Stephens, Unconventional Resources in the Oil and Gas Industry: Lessons learnt and implications for policy and legal frameworks (Dialética, 2024),
Ana Carolina Marins de Carvalho, Morena Pérez da Silva Mendes Ribeiro, Gustavo Castro Ribeiro and Eduardo G Pereira, What are the main barriers to developing an unconventional activity? in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Stephens, Unconventional Resources in the Oil and Gas Industry: Lessons learnt and implications for policy and legal frameworks (Dialética, 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Izabella Patricia Borges Spoladore, Natalia Caesar, To what extent should industry standards be used and implemented? in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Stephens, Unconventional Resources in the Oil and Gas Industry: Lessons learnt and implications for policy and legal frameworks (Dialética, 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Izabella Patricia Borges Spoladore, Shereece Smith, To what extent can unconventional resources co-exist with other land use such as agriculture? in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Stephens, Unconventional Resources in the Oil and Gas Industry: Lessons learnt and implications for policy and legal frameworks (Dialética, 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Izabella Patricia Borges Spoladore, Shereece Smith, Co-existence between exploitation of unconventional resources and other land uses: Case Studies and Recommendations, Unconventional Resources in the Oil and Gas Industry: Lessons learnt and implications for policy and legal frameworks (Dialética, 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Natalia Assad, Lucca Galatro Brazil, Unconventional Resources in the Oil and Gas Industry: Lessons learnt and implications for policy and legal frameworks (Dialética, 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Stephens, Rafael Baleroni, Conclusion in Eduardo G. Pereira, Thomas Stephens, Unconventional Resources in the Oil and Gas Industry: Lessons learnt and implications for policy and legal frameworks (Dialética, 2024),
Marianthi Pappa, Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawumi, Introduction in Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, International Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development in Disputed Zones: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, Cross-border unitization & JDZs in Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, International Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development in Disputed Zones: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge 2024),
Mark K. Amakomoro, Rukongue S. Muhongo, Eduardo G. Pereira, Regional Development: African in Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, International Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development in Disputed Zones: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge 2024),
Marianthi Pappa, Eduardo G. Pereira, Damilola S. Olawumi, Conclusion in Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, International Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development in Disputed Zones: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge in 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, Introduction in Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, National Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge 2025),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, Ownership of resources, rule of capture & governmental approvals in Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, National Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge 2025),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, The UUOA (including standard forms), key provisions and relationship with underlying JOA(s) in Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, National Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge 2025),
André Lemos, Eduardo G. Pereira, Brazil in Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, National Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge 2025),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi Conclusion in Eduardo G. Pereira, Marianthi Pappa, Damilola S. Olawumi, National Approaches to Hydrocarbon Development: Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (Routledge 2025),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Giovani Loss, Hirdan Costa, Johanna Coelho, Introduction in Eduardo G. Pereira, Giovani Loss, Hirdan Costa, Johanna Coelho, Direito e Negócios de Petróleo e Gás (Dialética 2024),
Giovani Loss, Eduardo G. Pereira, José Marinho Seves Santos, Carlos Tomaz Ribeiro, Transição Energética e ESG in Eduardo G. Pereira, Giovani Loss, Hirdan Costa, Johanna Coelho, Direito e Negócios de Petróleo e Gás (Dialética 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Nuno Dente, Juliana Costa, Conteúdo Local in Eduardo G. Pereira, Giovani Loss, Hirdan Costa, Johanna Coelho, Direito e Negócios de Petróleo e Gás (Dialética 2024),
André Marques da Costa Lemos, Geraldo Lopes Carneiro Neto, Eduardo G. Pereira, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros Costa, Stephani Oliveira Silva, Descommisionamento e Abandono de Insltações de Produção Offshore in Eduardo G. Pereira, Giovani Loss, Hirdan Costa, Johanna Coelho, Direito e Negócios de Petróleo e Gás (Dialética 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Nathalia de Oliveira Souza, Iasmin Lisboa de Carvalho,Bernardo Andeiuolo Tagliabue, Joint Operating Agreement in Eduardo G. Pereira, Giovani Loss, Hirdan Costa, Johanna Coelho, Direito e Negócios de Petróleo e Gás (Dialética 2024),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Hirdan Costa, Johanna Coelho and Giovani Loss, Conclusion in Direito e Negócios de Petróleo e Gás (Dialética 2024).
D) Publications intended for professional communities
Eduardo G. Pereira, ”Energy Investors in Brazil – Are They Protected Against Retrospective Legislation?”Energy Sources Ashurst (2011),
Eduardo G. Pereira, Elison Karuhanga, ”East Africa: Entry Requirements for Upstream Projects” Globe Law and Business Energy Blog (2014),
Rui Amendoeira, Eduardo G. Pereira, ”Overhauling the Petroleum and Natural Gas Legal Framework” Expansão (2017),
Fernanda Delgado, Eduardo G. Pereira, Pedro Neves, ”Decommissioning of Oil and Gas Production Systems in Brazil” Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain (2019)
Eduardo G. Pereira, Fernanda Delgado, Pedro Neves and Lucila de Almeida, “The Brazilian Mega-Auction Of The Surplus Of The Transfer Of Rights: Frustrating Or Strategic?” The Energy Learning (2019)
Eduardo G. Pereira, Arina Terskikh “Host Granting Instruments: Does it matter?” The Energy Learning (2020)
Eduardo G. Pereira, Aaron Koenck, “How Are You Transferring Your Interest? Farm Out Agreements vs. Upstream Sale & Purchase Agreements” The Energy Learning (2020)
Fernanda Delgado, Eduardo G. Pereira, Michael Jagnanan, ”Guyana must embrace transparency to realise wealth” Petroleum Economist (2020)
Eduardo G. Pereira, Talal Abdulla Al Emadi, Mostapha Al Masry, When energy brings synergy: Brazil, Qatar and Lebanon (2023) Peninsula,
E) Theses
PhD Thesis title: ”Oil and Gas Joint Operating Agreements – Controlling the Risks to the Non-Operator”,
Master Thesis title: “Rights and Obligations under Oil and Gas Joint Operating Agreements – The Non-Operator`s Perspective: a comparative and evaluative study”.
For the complete list of publications: access here.