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Selected and Recent Key Note Presentations

University of the West Indies - St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago (Sep. to Dec. 2024)

Lecturers for the LLM on Oil and Gas Law


University of Ghana - Accra, Ghana (Dec. 2024)

Guest Lecture on “Upstream Oil and Gas  Law, Business and Regulations”


University Externado Colombia, Bogotá, (Nov. 2023)

Foro Regulatório Internacional 2023 - Panel Discussion on “Energy Transition”


University of São Paulo- São Paulo, Brazil (Nov. 2024)

Lecture on “CCUS Regulatory Gaps”


The Abdullah Bin Hammad Al-Attiyah Foundation - Doha, Qatar (Oct. 2024)

Podcast on “Joint Venture Agreements in the Petroleum Sector”


Certificate of Advanced Studies in International Law and Diplomacy – Lagos, Nigeria (Oct. 2024)

Lecture on “International Upstream Transactions”


Atitus Educação, Passo Fundo, Brazil (Oct. 2024)

Guest lecture on “Energy Trilemma”


AIEN International Oil & Gas Law, Contracts and Negotiations: Part 2 – Houston, USA (Oct 2023)

Guest lecture on “Decommissioning”


Externado University of Colombia - Bogotá, Colombia (Sep. 2024)

Guest lecture on “Energy Transition in the Middle East”


Siberian Federal University - Krasnoyarsk, Russia (Jul. 2024)

Lectures on “UN SDGs”


Certificate of Advanced Studies in International Law and Diplomacy – Abuja, Nigeria (July. 2024)

Lecture on “International Upstream Transactions”


4th UWI Oil and Gas Law Conference - Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (Jun 2024)

Keynote speaker on “Financial Challenges to Meet Climate Targets via Carbon Capture Storage in

the Global South”


University of Ghana (May 2024)

Guest Lecture on “Oil, Gas & Energy: Law, Policy and Business”


University of the West Indies (Jan. to May 2024)

Lecturers for the LLM on Oil and Gas Law


Externado University of Colombia (Mar. 2024)

Guest lecture on “Regulación sector hidrocarburos”


Siberian Federal University (Feb. 2024)

Lecture on “ESG in the Energy Sector”


University of the West Indies (Sep. to Dec 2023)

Lecturers for the LLM on Oil and Gas Law


Doha Forum: Youth Edition – Doha, Qatar (Nov. 2023)

Panel Discussion on “Sustainability & Economic Policy”


ALF Energy Law Conference – Lagos, Nigeria (Nov. 2023)

Key note speaker on “Financing Low Carbon Energy Investments in Africa”


University of Houston- Houston, USA (Oct. 2023)

Panel Discussion on “International Petroleum Transactions & Energy Transition”


AIPN International Oil & Gas Law, Contracts and Negotiations: Part 2 – Houston, USA (Oct 2023)

Guest lecture on “Decommissioning”


GNHRE-UNEP Summer/Winter School – Bradford, UK (Sept. 2023)

Panel Discussion on “Transitioning from Fossil Fuels: Business Accountability for the right to a Healthy Environment and Sustainability”


ABA – International Law Section  – Chicago, USA (Jul. 2023)

Guest Lecture on “Oil, Gas & Energy: Law, Policy and Business”


University of Kathmandu – Kathmandu, Nepal (Jun. 2023)

Guest lecture on “Oil and Gas Law and Contracts”


University of Ghana – Accra, Ghana (Apr. 2023)

Guest Lecture on “Oil, Gas & Energy: Law, Policy and Business”


CEDIN – Belo Horizonte, Brazil (Apr. 2023)

Guest Lecture on “Geopolítica, Direito e Negócios de Petróleo e Gás”


Qatar University – Doha, Qatar (Feb. 2023)

Guest lecture on “Current Trends on Upstream Law and Regulations”


The 44th IAEE International Conference – Riyadh, Saudi (February 2023)

Panel Discussion on “Competing Interests: Energy Transition, Energy Security and Energy Justice”


University of Guyana – Georgetown, Guyana (Nov. 2022)

Guest lecture on “Petroleum Contracts”


AIPN 2022 Model Contracts Workshop – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Oct 2022)

Panel Discussion on “Energy Transition”


AIPN International Oil & Gas Law, Contracts and Negotiations: Part 2 – Houston, USA (Oct 2022)

 Guest lecture on “Decommissioning”


Hamad Bin Khalifa University – Doha, Qatar (Aug. 2022)

Book Launch Webinar: Natural Gas and Global Energy Transitions


CEDIN – Belo Horizonte, Brazil (Jul. 2022)

Guest Lecture on “Projetos de Infraestrutura nos setores de Iluminação Pública e Conectividade”


CEDIN – Belo Horizonte, Brazil (Jul. 2022)

Guest Lecture on “Projetos de Infraestrutura nos setores de Energia Elétrica e Gás”


University of Bradford – Bradford, UK (Apr. 2022)

Panel on Russian-Ukrainian Crisis: What does it mean for the ordinary energy consumers?  “Decommissioning Activities and Sustainable Practices”


Kampala, Uganda - African Energy & Minerals Management Initiative (AEMI) (Mar. 2022)

AEMI Mentorship Conference – Panel on Reflecting on the Global Energy Crisis and its Impact on Different Countries


University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK (Mar. 2022)

Guest lecture on “Risk Allocation in Oil and Gas Contracts”


Institute of Petroleum Studies Kampala, Kampala, Uganda (Feb. 2022)

Guest lecture on “Upstream International Investments: Legal Challenges and Risks”


University of Bradford – Bradford, UK (Dec. 2021)

Guest lecture on “Decommissioning Activities and Sustainable Practices”


CEDIN – Belo Horizonte – Brazil (Dec. 2021)

Guest lecture on “The interconnections between Local Content, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Corporate and Social Responsibility”


PetroKnowledge – London, UK (Nov. 2021)

Workshop – LNG Contractual and Price Negotiations


SPE – Accra, Ghana (Oct. 2021)

Unitisation of Oil and Gas Fields: The Policy Framework of Private Contracts, National and International Laws” – Panel on “Contractual Aspects of Unitisation”


AIPN – Student Club – Aberdeen, UK (Oct. 2021)

Guest lecture on “Oil and Gas Contracts & Energy Transition”


University of São Paulo – São Paulo, Brazil (Sept. 2021)

Guest lecture on “Managing Hydrocarbon Resources”


Jarkarka, Indonesia (Jul. 2021)

School of Business and Management - Institut Teknologi Bandung

Guest lecture on “Upstream Investments and Energy Transition"


Bogotá, Colombia (May 2021)

Externado Universty of Colombia

Hidrocarburos No Convencionales Panel – Session on “Latin America update” 


Krasnoyarsk, Russia (Apr. 2021)

Siberian Federal University 

VII International Conference for students, postgraduate and young scientists 


Doha, Qatar (Jan. 2021)

Hammad Bin Khalifa University

Book Launch Webinar: Local Content and Sustainable Development in Global Energy Markets


Lisboa, Portugal (Dec. 2020)

African Legal Support Facility

Guest lecture on “Oil and Gas Manual - Level 2 - Recordings”


Lagos, Nigeria (Sept. 2020)

Lawyers in Oil and Gas Network

Guest lecture on “Managing Hydrocarbons Resources & Joint Ventures in the oil and gas industry”


São Paulo, Brazil (Jun. 2020)

University of São Paulo

Estudo de mercado e de alternativas de uso das reservas de gás não convencional nas áreas potencialmente produtoras Panel – Session  on “Regulação de Mercados para Gás Natural”


Luanda, Angola (Jun. 2020)

Vantagem+ & Banco Nacional de Angola

Guest lecture on “Managing Hydrocarbons Resources & Joint Ventures in the oil and gas industry”


São Paulo, Brazil (Jun. 2020)

University of São Paulo

Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources: Current trends, legal challenges and opportunities Panel – Session on “Unconventional Resources: An International Perspective”


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (May 2020)


Guest Lecture on “Current trends and legal issues in the oil and gas industry”


Port of Spain, TT (Marc. 2020)

University of West Indies

Guest lecture on “Managing Hydrocarbon Resources: Lessons for Guyana”


Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Feb. 2020)

African Legal Support Facility (African Development Bank)

Guest lecture on “Production Sharing Agreements”


São Paulo, Brazil (Dec. 2019)

University of São Paulo 

Guest lecture on “Managing Hydrocarbon Resources: North Sea Experience”


Doha, Qatar (Oct. 2019)

Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Guest lecture on “International Upstream Investments: Legal Challenges and Lessons learned”


Nicosia, Cyprus (Oct. 2019)

University of Cyprus 

Guest lecture on “Managing Hydrocarbon Resources”


Sochi, Russia (Sep 2019)

2ND International Conference - Black Sea Oil Ports and Terminals

Macroeconomic Overview and Target Markets for the Black Sea Export Flows Panel – Session on “Influence of IMO 2020 product supply and demand in region”


Krasnoyarsk, Russia (Aug. 2019)

Siberian Federal University 

Professor of Natural Resources and Energy Law


Port of Spain, TT (Jul. 2019)

Ministry of Energy & Energy Industries 

Guest lecture on “Petroleum Fiscal Economics & Contracts Negotiation”


Aberdeen, Scotland (May 2019)

Legal Research Society

Guest lecture on “Due Diligence for Upstream Investments”


Nottingham, England (May 2019)

University of Nottingham

Guest lecture on “International Energy Investments and Unrecognized States: Opportunities and Risks for Private Actors”


London, England (May 2019)

University of Aberdeen & University of Coventry

Gateway to a Golden Future? Energy Development in Guyana – Panel on “Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Wider Caribbean: International Developments and Local Benefits”


Nairobi, Kenya (April 2019)

Strathmore University 

Visiting Professor at the LLM – Oil and Gas


Dubai, UAE (April 2019)

The International Center for Energy

Guest lecture on “Local Content: Lessons Learnt”


Port of Spain, TT (Mar. 2019)

University of West Indies

3rdBiennial UWI Faculty of Law Oil and Gas Law Conference and the Just Transition Initiative Conference 2019 – Session on “Host Governments, Investors & Public Participation: International lessons for oil and gas activities within the Caribbean



Baton Rouge, USA (Feb. 2019)

Journal of Energy Law Symposium

Guest lecture on “Brazilian Decommissioning Challenges and Experiences”


Santo Domingo, RD (Feb. 2019)


Guest lecture on “Managing Hydrocarbon Resources: North Sea Experience”


Port of Spain, TT (Feb. 2019)

University of West Indies

Guest lecture on “Managing Hydrocarbon Resources: North Sea Experience”


Paramaribo, Suriname (Feb. 2019)


Guest lecture on “Joint Operating Agreements: State Perspective”


Moscow, Russia (Dec. 2018)

AIPN CIS Chapter 

Guest lecture on “Decommissioning & International Practices”


Maputo, Mozambique (Nov. 2018)

5thMozambique Gas Summit 

Gas & LNG Sustainable Development - Panel “Financing Gas & LNG Projects in Mozambique: Opportunities and Hurdles


Maputo, Mozambique (Nov. 2018)

African Development Bank

Guest lecture on “Local Content: Lessons Learnt”

Calgary, Canada (Oct. 2018)

University of Calgary 

Current developments on Host granting instruments – Panel “Risk Service Contracts”


Houston, USA (Oct. 2018)

Association of International Petroleum Negotiators 

Core Workshop – Session on “Decommissioning challenges in the petroleum sector”


Houston, USA (Oct. 2018)

AIPN Student Chapter 

Recent developments in the LNG market – Panel “Local Content and Decommissioning: Legal Challenges and Opportunities”


Dakar, Senegal (Sep. 2018)

Senegalese Bar Association

Guest lecture on “Upstream Investments”


Almaty, Kazakhstan (Aug. 2018)

AIPN CIS Chapter 

Guest lecture on “Local Content: Lessons Learnt”


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Jul. 2018)

AIPN Latin America Chapter & OAB-RJ

Challenges and Opportunities in the Brazilian Upstream sector – Panel “Mature Fields and Decommissioning: Legal Challenges and Opportunities


Moscow, Russia (May 2018)

AIPN CIS Chapter 

Guest lecture on “JOA: NOC vs IOC perspectives”


London, England (Apr. 2018)

AIPN International Petroleum Scholar Workshop 

Guest lecture on “Local Content: Lessons Learnt”


Norman, Oklahoma (Jan. 2018)

University of Oklahoma

Guest lecture on “Managing Hydrocarbon Resources


Beirut, Lebanon (Nov. 2017)

Lebanese Bar Association

Workshop – Session on “Upstream Investments”


Nuuk, Greenland (Oct. 2017)

University of Greenland

Public Participation in Arctic Extractive Industries – Panel “Resource Development in Greenland: Current Strategies, Opportunities and Challenges”


Reykjavik, Iceland (Oct. 2017)

Arctic Circle Assembly

Arctic Oil and Gas Research Breakout Session – Panel “Equitable Arctic Development of Natural Resources”


Houston, USA (Oct. 2016)

Association of International Petroleum Negotiators

Core Workshop – Session on “Decommissioning challenges in the petroleum sector”


Houston, USA (Oct. 2016)

University of Houston

The EENR Speaker Series and Inter-American Hydrocarbon Regulators Dialogue – Session “Managing JOAs: Evolving challenges within the developing markets”


Mexico City, Mexico (Jul. 2017) 

Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos

Guest lecture on “Offshore Legal Developments”


Quito, Ecuador (Apr. 2017)

Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation

International Mining and Oil and Gas Law, Development, Investment event – Panel “Joint Operating Agreements: Host Government perspectives”


Joensuu, Finland (Mar. 2017)

University of Eastern Finland 

International Energy Transition 5rd edition – Session on Enforceability of Default Provisions


Beirut, Lebanon (Mar. 2017)

Lebanese Bar Association

Workshop – Session on “Legal challenges for natural gas developments”


Houston, USA (Oct. 2016)

Association of International Petroleum Negotiators

Core Workshop – Session on “Decommissioning challenges in the petroleum sector”


Houston, USA (Oct. 2016)

University of Houston

First Inter-American Hydrocarbon Regulators Dialogue - Panel “Brazilian Upstream Investments”


Oslo, Norway (Aug. 2016)

University of Oslo

Seminar session on Managing Hydrocarbon Resources 


Buenos Aires, Argentina (Aug. 2016)

Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y Gás

Workshop – Session on “Legal developments in the Joint Operating Agreements”


London, England (Jul. 2016)

International Bar Association

2nd Annual IBA Investing in Africa Conference – Panel “Current legal challenges in the oil and gas sector”


Joensuu, Finland (Marc. 2016)

University of Eastern Finland

International Energy Transition 4th edition - Session on Joint Operating Agreements: Host Government Perspectives



For the complete list of events (including events prior to 2016): access here.




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